Be Curious

Satisfying curiosity one question at a time. Send questions to: or submit your question in the sidebar question form.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Can there be a four dimensional world?

Can there be a four dimensional world ? Is there a possibility to go to four  dimension  world like one of the three dimensional world? Lets find a solution to these questions !

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Science Inside Ra.One !

G.One - The Protagonist in Ra.One
Ra.One is a very awe-inspiring movie that walks down the less-traveled path in Bollywood - Science Fiction. The movie went on to break multiple box-office records in India as well as overseas. Now, we'll take a look on the science (or more precisely fiction) that got the movie a huge audience.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Making the first 10,000 year clock

The 10000 year clock
A clock which can run for 10,000 years!! Is it possible to do so? Is it related to time travel or not? Lets see the answer!!!