Be Curious

Satisfying curiosity one question at a time. Send questions to: or submit your question in the sidebar question form.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hydrogen turned into a metal !

The Hydrogen Atom

One drawback of the Mendeleyev's periodic table existed till the 21st century in the modern periodic table- the contradictory position of Hydrogen in the alkali family in spite of being a non-metal.Many have tried but none have succeeded so far.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Can there be a four dimensional world?

Can there be a four dimensional world ? Is there a possibility to go to four  dimension  world like one of the three dimensional world? Lets find a solution to these questions !

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Science Inside Ra.One !

G.One - The Protagonist in Ra.One
Ra.One is a very awe-inspiring movie that walks down the less-traveled path in Bollywood - Science Fiction. The movie went on to break multiple box-office records in India as well as overseas. Now, we'll take a look on the science (or more precisely fiction) that got the movie a huge audience.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Making the first 10,000 year clock

The 10000 year clock
A clock which can run for 10,000 years!! Is it possible to do so? Is it related to time travel or not? Lets see the answer!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Does Sandy Bridge really bridge the gap ?

As we know that computers are one of the world's most enhancing device but it is a question that: What is the  reason for having such fast featuring device in the world's advancing technologies? Let's find the answer to this question and know for what reason it's so fast!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Was Einstein Wrong?

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein, a German born theoritical physicist, well known for his theory of relativity, stated in the same that any particle that has rest mass could not be accelerated to the speed of light, i.e., 300,000,000 m/sec. However, some scientists at CERN are of the opinion that this so called light barrier has been crossed by some subatomic particles.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Emergence of Dark Power

Dark energy makes an impact with its repulsive push in every cubic yard in the space. As the Universe expands he gravity and radiation gets unconcentrated.
But current measurements suggests that energy remains a constant force. Then why would extraterrestrials think that we are interested in their invaluable dark energy?